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With our new smartHire feature, you can hire new employees knowing time-to-hire rates, salary ranges in the particular area, and more. Check it out!
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With our new smartHire feature, you can hire new employees knowing time-to-hire rates, salary ranges in the particular area, and more. Check it out!
Our smartPeople tool received a major update with the smartHire feature. Now you can hire with future-oriented skills in mind, knowing the average time to hire in particular locations and more.
Create more future-oriented job postings. Thanks to the updated skills section, you can not only add core skills but also future-oriented skills that will be in demand soon. Moreover, you can grade skills with seniority levels to indicate how knowledgeable your candidates should be.
By analyzing market data, we derive insights into the average time other companies spend hiring candidates for similar jobs. Now you have more parameters to evaluate a location and its talent market to make a final decision about hiring in a particular area.
Now you can track average annual salaries and see a salary range with the lowest, average, and highest rates in a specific location. This feature enables cost-efficient hiring, especially if you have offices in different locations.
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