Faced challenges
With more than 115.000 employees worldwide, BASF provides chemical products for all areas of life. HRForecast supported BASF to predict how the share of females will develop in the next few years. We based our forecast on historical talent management behavior and data like promotions, hires, and attrition.
„With HRForecast we could simulate realistic diversity scenarios supporting us in target setting and defining suitable measures to achieve .“
Gerhard Müller, Head of Diversity & Inclusion, BASF SE
Questions to be clarified:
What is the optimal target of female share in leadership positions which can be reached by 2025?
What are possible scenarios for female share utilizing different talent management levers (e.g., promotion rate, hiring rate, attrition rates)?
What is the predictable female share in leadership positions in 2025?
What are the bottlenecks and drivers fostering or preventing female share in leadership roles?
Project approach
1. Validation of available data
In the first step, we merged the relevant data snapshots. Then, we identified and classified the factors for analysis in three clusters: ‘Promotion,’ ‘Hiring,’ and ‘Leavers.’ Finally, we conducted data quality management to assure data integrity.
2. Identify bottlenecks and levers to improve
The Internal Development Model (IDM) – a model to predict factors regarding the talent pipeline – was set up. Various parameters for hires, promotions as well as information about leavers were fed to the model.
3. Define future scenarios & predict future share
The Internal Development Model (IDM) predicts the female share in all levels until 2025. We investigated three scenarios with a focus on leadership.
Key insights & value-adds for the client
BASF received:
- various scenarios for the development of the diversity share
- levers to increase the diversity share faster
- global socio-cultural benchmarks for diversity
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